The cactus and succulent genus Kalanchoe is a member of the Crassulaceae or Stonecrop family. The dry conditions that these plants prefer to make them endemic to Madagascar. Care for kalanchoes is minimal, and the plant itself requires little attention. All year long, the lovely leaves and flowers blossom in reaction to sunshine.
A kalanchoe plant takes between two and five years to reach full maturity. There is a wide spectrum of kalanchoe colors available, from red to pink to white to yellow to orange and beyond. Some of the most well-liked Kalanchoe varieties are discussed here.
Types of Kalanchoe Plants
Kalanchoe Luciae – Paddle Plant

Because of their characteristic broad, beautiful leaves, these plants are sometimes referred to as Paddle plants. Kalanchoe luciae, also known as flapjacks, paddle kalanchoe, desert cabbage, and red pancake plant, goes by several other common names.
Kalanchoe Blossfeldiana – Calandiva
The blooming plant Kalanchoe Blossfeldiana has glossy green, thick leaves that grow in a bushy, compact form. The blooming season for blossfeldiana is from late fall to early January. They are available in a rainbow of hues.
Kalanchoe Diagremontiana – Mother of Thousands
This succulent has a brief lifespan. There are various names for the Diagremontiana plant, including Brophyllum Diagremontiana and Alligator plant. It produces several baby Kalanchoe plants on the margins of its leaves, which eventually branch out and become independent specimens.
Kalanchoe Pumila – Flower Dust Plants
Hanging baskets are a popular way to display this plant. It has long, narrow leaves that are coated in dense, waxy fur. Gorgeous pink blossoms may be seen on these bushes from late winter to early April.
Kalanchoe Humilis
Amazing in appearance, the kalanchoe humilis is a succulent unlike any other. It may attain a height of 90 centimeters (3 feet). The stems have a woody base and can be either simple or branched, with a purple or glaucous appearance.
Kalanchoe Tomentosa – Panda Plant
Plants of the genus Kalanchoe Tomentosa are also known as chocolate soldiers, cocoon plants, panda plants, teddy bear cacti, and velvet leaf kalanchoes. Commonly grown indoors, this plant is recognized by its thin, thick leaves edged in chocolate brown or dark crimson. The plant’s hairy stems and leaves make it stand out.
Kalanchoe Laciniata – Christmas Tree Plant
It’s true that Kalanchoe Laciniata is a perennial succulent, yet its elliptical leaves make it look like it should be an annual. This Kalanchoe is also known by its common name, lace leaf.
Kalanchoe Pinnata – Cathedral Bells
This plant reproduces by producing tiny plants called “plantlets,” which may be found around the leaf edges. Bryophyllum Pinnatum, Kalanchoe Pinnata, Air plant, Cathedral bells, Good Luck Leaf, Life plant, Miracle leaf plant, and the Miracle leaf plant are all common names for this plant.
Kalanchoe Orygalis – Copper Spoons
The Crussalaceae, or Stonecrop, family includes this evergreen plant. The vibrant foliage of this plant is one of its most distinguishing features.
Kalanchoe Beharensis – Elephant’s Ears
The flowers of this shrub bloom in the spring and summer, and its long, triangular, olive-green leaves make it stand out in the garden. Kalanchoe Beharensis, sometimes known as felt bush, is another common name.
Alanchoe Marmorata – Penwiper Plant
The unusual leaves of this plant are a greyish green with irregular streaks of purple. It has sturdy, upright stems that are packed with foliage. White star-shaped blooms emerge on this shrub from winter through early April.
Kalanchoe Sexangularis – Six-Angled Kalanchoe
The scarlet, six-sided leaves of this plant are its most distinguishing feature. This plant can withstand dry conditions well and has a fast growth rate.
How To Care For A Kalanchoe Succulent
The majority of the Kalanchoe plants that exist today originated in tropical climates. One of the best ways to help your Kalanchoe succulent adjust to your house is to create conditions that mimic those it would find in the wild. A skilled gardener is aware of their plants’ tendencies.
Kalanchoes require simple maintenance in most cases. Once established, most varieties of Kalanchoe rarely need more care. Similar to other succulents, Kalanchoe plants are able to cheerfully endure your carelessness. Overwatering can kill a plant, so be careful to avoid doing that.
To keep their vivid hues, kalanchoe plants require a lot of direct sunlight. If your plant has become wan and gangly, it may not be getting enough light. Set it where the sun may modify it right before your eyes.
These tender succulents might be damaged by prolonged exposure to intense sunshine. It’s recommended that you give your Kalanchoe some indirect light in the shade, whether you’re growing it indoors or out.
The optimal light conditions for a Kalanchoe succulent vary with the species and the geographic area. Find the optimal spot for your plant by experimenting with different environments.
Some Kalanchoe species require specific lighting conditions to flower. So, if the light conditions are intentionally changed to deceive the plant into believing it’s winter, a Kalanchoe that would ordinarily only bloom in the winter may be coaxed to bloom all year long.
Sandy, well-drained potting soil is ideal for kalanchoe plants. Perlite or pumice can be added to heavy soil to make it more manageable. Plant your Kalanchoe in a container with drainage holes to avoid drowning it.
Most Kalanchoe may thrive in store-bought succulent/cactus potting soil. If the soil drains well, you won’t have to worry about a lot of issues.
The hardest aspect of caring for a Kalanchoe is watering it, as it is with other succulents. Putting a stop to yourself from watering a plant that has had enough is the hard part. Succulents often only need water once a week, which may come as a surprise to gardeners who are used to watering daily.
Overwatering can cause root rot in some succulents, so be careful. Verify that the potting soil is completely dry before watering again.
To complete, give yourself a week if your soil has good drainage. Since the plant will be dormant throughout the winter, irrigation needs to be cut back even further.
Kalanchoes can’t stand being in the cold for lengthy periods of time, and they thrive in warm environments between 55 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit/12 and 27 degrees Celsius.
The majority of Kalanchoes are instantly killed by the cold. Their quick demise is caused by the freezing of the water in their fleshy leaves. Experiencing temps below freezing is a major issue.
Some Kalanchoes are said to be frost-hardy, but only if they are planted in a perfectly dry region with no moisture whatsoever in the air. When exposed to water and cold, succulents die.
If you reside in a chilly area, you should bring your Kalanchoe within during the winter months to keep it warm.
Kalanchoe has to be fertilized on an individual basis. These plants are both resistant to drought and relatively nutrient-free. You may give your plant a boost by fertilizing it once every few months using a slow-release liquid fertilizer or succulent fertilizer during the growing season. When applying fertilizer to a plant, it is important to dilute it to half-strength or less.
Kalanchoe Repotting
Transplanting your Kalanchoe into a new pot in the spring is ideal because that’s when it’s actively developing. Choose potting soil with good drainage, and increase the size of the container your plant is in gradually. Root rot is more likely to occur if you use a pot that is too big.
To avoid rot, the potting mix shouldn’t be packed too firmly around the roots. Avoid root-bound situations with these plants.
To determine if a plant needs to be repotted, examine the drainage holes. Roots indicate the need for a new container.
The Most Common Pests of Kalanchoe
Kalanchoes seldom suffer from pests or diseases. These resilient plants can take a beating and keep on ticking.
Mealybugs, scale, and aphids are the most typical predators of Kalanchoe. Without proper control, these sap-sucking pests can do significant harm to your plant.
A cotton swab bathed in rubbing alcohol can do the trick for eradicating them. It is also possible to use neem oil or soap that kills insects. If you really must use an insecticide, save the powerful stuff for last.
The Most Common Problems With Kalanchoe
Root Rot
Kalanchoes are particularly susceptible to root rot, the most widespread disease that affects these plants. Too much moisture around the roots encourages the growth of fungi that cause this illness.
Plant these succulents in a location with good drainage and water them sparingly, just when the soil seems dry to the touch. The best treatment for root rot is to transplant your plant into new, dry soil after carefully removing the diseased roots from the old container.
Keep an eye on how much water your Kalanchoe is getting because overwatering is the leading cause of mortality for these plants. Dry out the soil entirely between waterings, and don’t be afraid to let your plant go dry for a while. These plants have a high drought tolerance because they are succulents.