Kalanchoe laxiflora, or the Milky Widows Thrill, is a succulent species native to Madagascar that resembles a shrub. It’s easy to see why this Crassulaceae succulent would be a welcome addition to any garden or home setting, or even a landscape, with its ability to look excellent next to rocks and other succulents.
As a tiny succulent plant, Kalanchoe laxiflora normally won’t grow to be more than 20 inches tall. The plant’s leaves start as a pale green but eventually become gray or white and end up with a crimson hue at the tip. During the flowering period, little orange blooms might emerge at the leaf tips.
Succulents of the Kalanchoe laxiflora species can be grown either indoors or outdoors, provided they are protected from frost. However, a Kalanchoe laxiflora requires little work and is easy to maintain for.
However, it’s critical to understand which maintenance procedures are most critical to the succulent’s survival. Keep reading to learn the basic care requirements of a Kalanchoe laxiflora.

The Kalanchoe Laxiflora Care Guide
What kind of soil should I use?
Succulent Kalanchoe Laxifloras perform well in a certain soil type, but there are two options for owners to achieve this. One can use cactus-specific soil or a blend of coarse sand, moss, and perlite for thicker soil.
It is important to use a soil combination that drains effectively in order to minimize the risk of overwatering, which can cause further problems.
Seasons of Blooming and Dormancy
When the weather warms up in the spring, the flowers blossom continuously. Just before the plant becomes dormant for the summer, owners will see the first orange blossoms appear.
Light Requirements
Kalanchoe Laxiflora thrives in full sun, whether indoors or out, but its temperature needs to be monitored closely. Succulents need at least ten minutes of direct sunshine every day if kept inside, so position them near a bright window.
If the succulent appears to be receiving direct sunlight, protect it by moving it away from the window for a few hours or by hanging a sheer drape.
Watering Kalanchoe Laxiflora
Kalanchoe Laxiflora are prone to a fatal overwatering problem if you don’t take care to water them on a regular schedule, therefore it’s crucial that you do so.
Kalanchoe Laxiflora need only be watered once a week or maybe once every two weeks; this succulent enjoys periods of idleness.
How rapidly the soil in which your succulents are growing must be taken into account. It’s possible that the succulent will require more regular watering in the summer and less in the fall and winter.
You may have gathered that Kalanchoe Laxiflora likes it warm from the description of its light requirements. You guessed correctly! When conditions are warm, these succulents really thrive.
In particular, these succulents require temperatures between around 66 and 176 degrees Fahrenheit to thrive. As a result, the plant’s leaves may be scorched at temperatures over 80 degrees Fahrenheit, and it may be frozen at temperatures below 61 degrees Fahrenheit.
Fertilizing Kalanchoe Laxiflora
Although succulents of this type do not strictly require fertilizer, they do welcome the occasional help.
Kalanchoe Laxiflora benefits most from a liquid 20-20-20 fertilizer solution. This indicates that the fertilizer has 20% of each of the three essential nutrients: potassium, nitrogen, and phosphorus.
Pests, diseases, and problems that commonly occur
Kalanchoe Laxiflora owners face the most common and serious issue with their succulents due to overwatering. Root rot and rotting leaves and stems can be the results of overwatering, and if not addressed quickly, they can become much more difficult to repair.
However, a few mealybugs or aphids may make an appearance on occasion, even though pest problems on Kalanchoe Laxiflora succulents are unlikely. Even while they can grow considerably more noticeable if left untreated, in these situations, they are rarely regarded to be actual infestations.
Propagating Kalanchoe Laxiflora
Kalanchoe Laxiflora can be propagated using two standard techniques – leaf cuttings propagation or stem cuttings propagation.
Both techniques are simple and entirely safe for the well-being of both the parent plant and the propagated plant. Read on to discover the few simple steps to complete either technique successfully.
Leaf Cutting Propagation
Here is a step-by-step guide on how to propagate Kalanchoe laxiflora with leave cuttings.
1. Choose a healthy leaf to take your cutting from. Make sure that the leaf is not too old, as it may not root as well.
2. Cut the leaf into 2-3 inch pieces.
3. Dip the cut end of the leaves into the rooting hormone.
4. Place the leaf cuttings in a pot filled with moist potting mix.
5. Cover the pot with a clear plastic bag to create a mini greenhouse.
6. Place the pot in a bright but indirect light source.
7. Keep the potting mix moist but not soggy.
8. After a few weeks, you should see roots beginning to form.
9. Once the roots are a few inches long, you can transplant the cuttings into individual pots.
Stem Cutting Propagation
If you have a Kalanchoe laxiflora plant and are looking to propagate it, stem cuttings are the way to go. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it:
1. Cut a stem from the main plant that is at least 6 inches long.
2. Strip the lower leaves off of the stem, leaving only the top leaves intact.
3. Dip the cut end of the stem into the rooting hormone.
4. Plant the stem in a pot filled with moistened potting mix.
5. Cover the pot with a clear plastic bag or dome to create a mini greenhouse.
6. Place the pot in a bright, warm location out of direct sunlight.
7. Keep the soil moistened but not wet, and wait for the new plant to emerge.
Once your new Kalanchoe laxiflora plant has rooted and begun to grow, you can transplant it into a larger pot or into the ground.
I’m hoping you’ve learned something from this and that any questions you had have been addressed. A Kalanchoe Laxiflora succulent, as you can see, is one of the least complicated succulents to keep alive.
It’s hard to say no to such a forgiving plant, which may be planted outside to complement a lovely environment or indoors to generate a nature-like atmosphere in any area. This is one area where you can afford to slack off on purpose.