The succulent Kalanchoe Humilis is a lovely addition to any home and requires little attention. It thrives in indirect, strong light. This plant may be successfully grown outside in year-round warm climates, provided it is shielded from wind and light.
They may be brought indoors throughout the winter months or cultivated under lights if you live in a cooler region. In this post, you’ll learn all you need to know about Kalanchoe propagation and maintenance.

About ‘Desert Surprise’ Kalanchoe Humilis
One of more than 400 species of succulent plants, Kalanchoe Humilis belongs to the Crassulaceae family. The maximum height of this blooming plant is three feet. It’s another type of bulb plant, and its body is usually long and stemless.
The leaves are tiny, triangular, and glossy green; they can reach a maximum of three inches in length and one inch in width at the base of the petiole. The Kalanchoe Humilis, or Desert Surprise, is a plant native to Madagascar that is commonly grown as a houseplant due to its eye-catching blooms.
Clusters of delicate pink bell-shaped flowers with yellow centers will appear atop each flower head in the late summer and fall.
The duration of the flowering stage is typically between two and four weeks. Depending on how well it was maintained, each cluster may contain more than 50 distinct blooms.
The succulent Kalanchoe Humilis looks great both indoors and out, making it a versatile plant for gardeners.
Tips On Caring for Kalanchoe Humilis (Desert Surprise)
Requirements for Sun Exposure and Light
Succulent Kalanchoe Humilis plants thrive in full sun to partial shade. Location is key, and it must be in a spot that gets lots of light but no direct sunlight.
Plants cultivated in medium light have denser leaves and stronger stems than those grown in low light. In other words, they will have a lesser bloom yield as a result.
This succulent’s color palette shifts, too, depending on how much direct sunlight it receives. Kalanchoes growing in little or no light produce dark green leaves, while plants in full sun produce bright yellow, orange, red, and pink hues. As long as there is plenty of window light, it can thrive inside.
In early spring and summer, Kalanchoe Humilis require consistent watering. If it gets plenty of sunlight, once a week is plenty. Avoid over-watering, since this can lead to root rot and ultimately the demise of your plant. For optimal results, let the top inch or two of soil dry off before watering again.
Fungal infections caused by wet leaves can occur at any moment, perhaps resulting in the early demise of plant stems and blooms. This is true even when you are using fertilizer spikes to nourish them.
Because its growth is slower in the winter, you should reduce its watering frequency to every two weeks instead of every week.
Overwatering your Kalanchoe is the number one cause of fatal root rot in these plants.
If you want to prevent the leaves from being sunburned and turning brown, you shouldn’t water them.
After watering your plant, pat the leaves dry with a paper towel to prevent rot. Keep the Kalanchoe’s roots wet, but let the leaves to dry out a little.
Soil Conditions
Succulent plants like Kalanchoe Humilis require a well-drained soil that may yet retain some moisture. Kalanchoes are endemic to Madagascar, where they thrive in the humid tropical environment and on rocks that have accumulated a layer of humus from decaying leaves.
A cactus mix or garden loam are great options for the soil in which to cultivate your Kalanchoe. Soils with high clay content, such as heavy potting soil, should be avoided. It’s important that the soil drains well and isn’t too sticky.
The temperature and humidity are both important factors
The ideal climate for the Kalanchoe Humilis is between 65 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit. However, with proper protection during their dormant season from frost and cold damage, many plants will thrive adequately in cooler temperatures when planted outside.
The Humilis dislikes temperatures that are too warm yet can’t stand the cold. Place your plant in a cool, dry location with enough humidity throughout its dormant season.
In order to ensure proper drainage, you should leave it in the pot it came in. If you’re growing Kalanchoes inside, the morning sun from an east or west window is ideal. Avoid placing them in the direct afternoon sunlight, since this might cause the leaves to burn.
This plant needs humidity since it wilts with too much water. Humidity between 50 and 70 percent is ideal. You can sense the moisture in the air by touching the top of your Kalanchoe plant.
If the plant appears dry, check for moisture leaks around the pot’s rim and add water as needed. Hygrometers, either digital or analog, can be used to obtain similar results.
The Kalanchoe Humilis Plant Needs Fertilization
During its active growth period (April–September), a Kalanchoe Humilis plant needs fertilizer. Either a soluble fertilizer that acts quickly or a slow-release fertilizer can be used to nourish your plants.
During active growth, fertilize every two weeks. During dormancy, fertilize every week. This is only expected to take place if water is consistently administered.
Fertilizers of any kind are greatly diminished in efficacy if they don’t get enough water. It’s crucial to avoid over-fertilizing these plants to avoid leaf burn. Your succulent plant’s stems may become scarred if you do this, reducing its capacity to take up water.
Note that Kalanchoe Humilis is vulnerable to salt and fluoride overexposure. If you’re experiencing a drought or heat wave, you may need to water and feed your plant more frequently as it continues to expand.
Kalanchoe Humilis Succulents: Potting and Repotting
Kalanchoes, in particular, require a new container every two to three years. When properly planted in a well-balanced soil mixture, certain succulents can thrive for decades. The roots are beginning to protrude from the bottom of the container when you water from below, or your plant is showing signs of being root-bound.
You should pick a container no more than two inches higher and no more than one inch broader in diameter. Succulents, cactus, and other tiny plants that thrive in poor soil are best when planted in containers that are as big as possible.
On the other hand, keep in mind that Kalanchoes can’t stand having their feet wet. Putting a saucer or tray under your pot is the easiest method to prevent this from happening.
Stones on the bottom of the container will aid with drainage and stop root rot from occurring.
How to prune Kalanchoe Humilis
The bushy growth habit of Kalanchoe Humilis means that it seldom needs pruning.
Here are a few snipping pointers:
- You can keep your succulent arrangement at its best by getting rid of any brown leaves or dead branches.
- Remove the uppermost leaves off your plant’s stem so that light may get to the plant’s roots. It will flower more frequently and swiftly establish new growth with this.
- Instead of breaking off individual stems by pulling at them by hand, you can use sharp shears or scissors to make clean cuts.
- After the sprouts on the side have developed to a height of approximately two inches, cut them back.
- If you want your plant to stay healthy and attractive, you’ll need to prune off any dead or diseased branches periodically.
Look Out For Pests and Diseases
While Kalanchoes are not typically affected by insect pests, they are vulnerable to mealybugs and scale. Aphids, whiteflies, thrips, and spider mites are among pests that might flourish under high humidity. If your plant has an infestation, you may get rid of them by giving it a good cleaning with some soap and water.
- Mealybugs cause the leaves to look as though powder has been sprinkled on them due to their little, rounded lumps. Some gardeners may conclude that they have been given too much fertilizer because of this.
- Scale insects look like bits of shell that got adhered to the underside of a leaf. If left unchecked for lengthy periods of time, they will cause leaf browning.
- Aphids are little, transparent insects that can be anywhere from a bluish-green to a yellowish-green in color.
- There is a grayish-brown smear on the plant where the thrips have traveled up the leaves.
- Spider mites produce webs in crevices and on the undersides of leaves.
- Small white spots or specks on the surface of plants that have been bitten by whiteflies can be visible in the areas surrounding the blooms.
Powdery mildew and leaf spot are only two of the many diseases that can stunt kalanchoe’s development. Kalanchoe can have scorched leaves in hot areas, and root rot from moist soil is another issue.
The Proper Way To Propagate Kalanchoe Humilis
The Kalanchoe Humilis is easily propagated by cuttings, leaves, and seeds.
Leaf Cuttings
You may easily multiply this succulent by snipping off a leaf and replanting it. For best results, wait until the leaves are completely dry before planting in well-drained soil.
The soil must be allowed to dry up entirely before any watering is done. In one to three months, depending on the size of the leaf and its origin, roots will form from a cutting of a Kalanchoe Humilis succulent.
This succulent prefers cool conditions (60–75 degrees Fahrenheit) and only a few hours of sunshine every day.
Stem Cuttings
Succulent Kalanchoe Humilis plants may be easily propagated by snipping off the plant’s growing tip using sharp scissors or a knife. Put it in well-draining soil once it has dried for two days.
After six to eight weeks, the plant should begin to develop roots. It may take the stem cutting up to three months to send out new shoots and establish a fresh set of leaves.
The clipping from the stem can be planted either in a container or directly into the ground. You should locate it such that it will receive direct sunlight for at least eight hours a day, while partial sunlight is okay if there are no adjacent shaded regions.
If you want your cuttings to be as healthy and successful as possible when you plant them, let them lie on their leaves for a full night before doing so.
While waiting for roots to grow, any remaining sap in the stem is given a chance to dry out.
Seedlings are another means of propagating the Kalanchoe Humilis species. Even if it’s difficult to find seeds, it is possible. They do best when planted in sandy, well-drained soil.
Afterward, the seeds should be irrigated thoroughly until they reach an ideal moisture level, after which they can be left out in warm conditions. It may take some time for certain plants to mature. Different plants develop at different rates.
Inspect the plants often for signs of expansion, such as split bark or shedding leaves. Repot the plant into a fresh container with some soil after you notice it has developed new roots. Be sure to store it in a warm, sunny location.
What is the toxicity of Kalanchoe Humilis?
You shouldn’t eat the Kalanchoe Humilis since it’s poisonous. The toxic components of this plant are located in its leaves, blooms, and roots. Because of the high concentration of alkaloids and phenolics in the root, it is extremely toxic.
The effects of ingesting these harmful substances vary.
Kalanchoe humilis has triterpenoid esters called karachinones in its sap, which causes skin irritation and burns if it comes into contact with your skin.
Kalanchoe Humilis is toxic if ingested and should also be avoided if your skin comes into touch with the plant. Wearing gloves when working with these plants is critical to preventing the poisons from entering the bloodstream through cuts and scrapes.
Kalanchoe Humilis may be used in many different ways and is simple to grow and spread. It’s adaptable to a wide range of environmental conditions, has lovely blossoms, and can be grown either indoors or out.
The Kalanchoe Humilis succulent is ideal as a houseplant or present since it is so simple to care for and propagate.