Kalanchoe is a genus of succulent flowering plants that is among the Crassulaceae family. It is native to Madagascar and is a popular option for indoor gardening. Kalanchoe plants are known for their low-maintenance requirements and resilience, making them a fairly easy choice for newbies or busy home gardeners.
Not only do they purify the air by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen, but they also remove toxins from the air. In this post, we will check out the fundamentals of Kalanchoe Sexangularis plant care, including light, water, temperature, and soil needs. We will also discuss some tricks and tips for keeping your Kalanchoe healthy and happy.

How To Identify a Healthy Kalanchoe Sexangularis Plant
Healthy Kalanchoe Sexangularis plants should have strong stems and vibrant green leaves. They should also show signs of new growth and be firm and not wilting or drooping. You should look for new leaves at the top of the stem or along the sides of the plant.
Keeping the soil moist but not overly saturated is important, as well as keeping the leaves glossy and free of browning or discoloration. Ensure you don’t over-compact the soil and have adequate drainage if the plant is in a pot.
Kalanchoe SexangularisCare Basics
Proper Light
It’s best to provide Kalanchoe Sexangularis with a few hours of morning sun or bright, indirect light throughout the day. They can also tolerate some shade, but they may not flower as profusely in low-light conditions.
It’s important to pay attention to the lighting conditions in your home and adjust the placement of your kalanchoe plant accordingly. The plant may be getting too little light if the leaves turn yellow or become leggy, but too much direct sunlight may cause the leaves to become scorched or pale.
Kalanchoe Sexangularis prefers to be watered only when the soil becomes dry to the touch. Overwatering can be a common issue with these plants, as if they sit in wet soil for too long, their roots can rot. Allowing the soil to dry out slightly between waterings can help prevent overwatering.
Water your kalanchoe plant at least once a week or whenever the top inch of the soil feels dry. Before watering, insert your finger about an inch into the soil to check the moisture level. When the soil feels dry at this depth, it’s time to water. If it feels moist, you may want to wait a few more days before watering again.
A kalanchoe plant needs to be watered regularly as well. It is possible for a plant to wilt or lose its flowers if the soil becomes completely dry between waterings. A properly watered plant will, however, be able to thrive and grow healthy.
Besides watering your kalanchoe plant, misting it occasionally to keep the leaves hydrated and increase humidity is also a good idea. In dry or air-conditioned environments, this is especially important. Do not water the flowers of the plant too much since they are susceptible to rot.
Temperature and Humidity
These plants are relatively tolerant of low humidity levels, between 40-50%, but will thrive in environments with higher humidity levels. Kalanchoe prefers temperatures between 60-85°F (15-29°C) and cannot tolerate frost.
The Kalanchoe Sexangularis should be kept in well-ventilated areas with good air circulation to prevent excessive moisture buildup. This will reduce the risk of fungal diseases. The leaves can be misted periodically or a humidity tray placed under a plant if the air in your home is particularly dry.
If you need to move your kalanchoe plant, be sure to do so gradually so it can adjust to the new environment. Avoid exposing it to drafts or sudden changes in temperature within the house.
The Kalanchoe Sexangularis does not require frequent fertilizing and does not require much maintenance. During the growing season, you can fertilize your Kalanchoe plants every two to four weeks with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer. They prefer well-draining soil and thrive in soil rich in organic matter.
Ensure that the fertilizer is diluted according to the package instructions to prevent overfertilization. Kalanchoe plants enter a dormant period during the winter months and do not need as much nutrition, so it is a good idea to stop fertilizing them during this time.
What Is The Best Location For Your Sexangularis Plant?
A south or west-facing window is generally a good spot for a Kalanchoe Sexangularis, as it will receive plenty of light without being subjected to the intense midday sun. It is also important to ensure that the plant has good air circulation and is not placed in a location where it will be subjected to drafts or sudden temperature fluctuations.
A Beginner’s Guide to Pruning and Trimming Kalanchoe Plants
Pruning is a helpful technique for maintaining the health and appearance of the Kalanchoe Sexangularis. Here are some basic tips for pruning:
- Use clean, sharp scissors or pruning shears to avoid damaging the plant.
- Remove any dead or damaged leaves or stems as needed. This will help the plant to focus its energy on healthy growth.
- If your Kalanchoe plant has become leggy or overgrown, you can cut back the stems to encourage new growth. Make sure to leave at least a few leaves on each stem to ensure that the plant can continue to photosynthesize.
- You can also prune your Kalanchoe plant to shape it or to control its size. Just be careful not to remove too much of the plant at once, as this can stress the plant.
After pruning, be sure to water your Kalanchoe plant thoroughly to help it recover from the pruning process.
Potting and Repotting
Whenever a Kalanchoe Sexangularis is potted or replanted, it is important to select a pot that is appropriate for its size and has good drainage. This prevents excess water from accumulating in the soil and causing the roots to rot.
Potting Kalanchoes is as easy as following these steps:
- A well-draining potting mix, such as one for succulents or cacti, should be used in the pot.
- Shake off any excess soil on the Kalanchoe plant after removing it from its current pot.
- Using the soil mix to surround the roots, fill in the central portion of the new pot with the plant. Gently tamp the soil mix down to secure the plant in place.
- Be sure to water the plant deeply, about 5 inches below the surface of the soil.
- You should place the pot in an area that receives indirect, bright light.
Whenever you repot a Kalanchoe plant, follow the above instructions, but be sure to choose a pot slightly larger than the current one to allow for proper growth. You might also want to gently loosen the roots before moving them to allow for new growth.
Simple Methods for Propagating Kalanchoe Sexangularis
Propagating is a fairly straightforward process that can be done through stem cuttings or leaf cuttings. Let’s take a look at both methods:
Stem Cuttings
To propagate through stem cuttings, simply cut a healthy stem with a sharp, clean knife or scissors, making sure to include at least a few leaves. Remove any lower leaves, and dip the cutting in rooting hormone to help encourage root growth.
Then, plant the cutting in a well-draining soil mix and water it lightly. Place the cutting in a location with bright, indirect light, and keep the soil moist but not soggy. Within a few weeks, the cutting should begin to grow roots, and it can be transplanted into a larger pot once it has established itself.
Leaf Cuttings
To propagate a Kalanchoe Sexangularis through leaf cuttings simply cut a healthy leaf from the plant and remove the stem. Place the leaf flat on the surface of a well-draining soil mix and lightly mist it with water. Keep the soil moist and the leaf in a location with bright, indirect light, and within a few weeks, small plantlets should begin to form around the edges of the leaf.
Once the plantlets have developed roots, they can be transplanted into individual pots. Overall, propagating Kalanchoe plants is a simple and rewarding process that allows you to create new plants from your existing ones.
You should provide bright, indirect light and keep the soil moist but not waterlogged, regardless of which method you choose. The new plants may need a few weeks or even months to establish themselves, but with proper care, they will eventually develop into healthy, full-sized plants.
Common Problems
Some of the most common problems that Kalanchoe Sexangularis face are:
- Overwatering: If the soil is consistently too wet, Kalanchoes will develop root rot. This can be prevented by allowing the soil to dry out between waterings and using a well-draining soil mix.
- Underwatering: In contrast, Kalanchoes can also suffer from not being watered frequently enough. It is important to keep the soil consistently moist yet not soggy.
- Pest infestations: Aphids, mealybugs, and other common plant pests can be controlled by using an insecticidal soap or by using a natural pest repellent on Kalanchoe plants.
- Too much direct sunlight: When exposed to too much direct sunlight, Kalanchoe plants can become scorched or wilted. It’s important to provide enough light but keep them away from direct sunlight for extended periods.
- Nutrient deficiencies: It is usually possible to correct nutrient deficiencies in Kalanchoe plants by fertilizing them with a balanced fertilizer according to the package instructions, which will usually correct yellowing leaves or stunted growth.
It is crucial that the Kalanchoe Sexangularis receive the right amount of light, water, and nutrients in order to grow successfully. You should water your plants consistently, but make sure the soil doesn’t become waterlogged and provide bright, indirect light to prevent scorching and wilting.