More than 125 species of succulent plants with glossy green leaves and an array of colorful blooms make up the genus Kalanchoe. The lowest amounts of care and watering are what make these plants ideal for the home. There are many different types of Kalanchoe, but some of the most well-known include the Kalanchoe Blossfeldiana, Kalanchoe tomentosa, Mother of a thousand flowers, and others.
Do you have any birds or other animals as housemates? If you’re considering bringing some Kalanchoes into your house but also have pets, you may want to review the list of plants that are less toxic to animals. The kalanchoe plant may be poisonous to cats, dogs, and other domestic pets. Pet and bird owners should keep in mind that certain plants can be toxic if ingested, and they may want to go elsewhere.

Can Kalanchoes make people sick?
Fortunately, kalanchoes pose little risk to human health. None of the Kalanchoe species are known to be harmful to people. Kalanchoes are not included on the list of dangerous plants because they are “evergreen perennial succulents with no known toxicity to humans”.
Conversely, these plants are utilized to treat human illness and have medicinal value in their own right. Kalanchoe pinnata has bioactive compounds that may be useful in the oral treatment of human “Leishmaniasis” (a skin condition that causes skin ulcers) with no known side responses or harmful consequences.
Kalanchoes are toxic to which animals?
Many animals have difficulty with kalanchoes. Animals such as dogs, cats, birds, and cattle are also at risk. A small amount of this plant might cause major health problems for your pet or other animals.
Why are Kalanchoes toxic to animals?
Kalanchoes are toxic, but you may be wondering what makes them so. Toxic cardiac glycosides or cardiotoxins (a group of chemicals that disrupt normal heart activity) are found in these plants. Many different cardiac glycosides belong to the class of chemicals known as “bufadienolide compounds,” which are mostly responsible for the plant’s toxicity.
Disorganized cardiac electrical activity, arrhythmias, and, finally, cardiac arrest can arise from bufadienolide’s inhibition of the sodium-potassium pump of heart cell membranes.
Animals are toxic to which Kalanchoe species?
Is there a Kalanchoe kind that isn’t toxic to pets? In a word, “No.” Cats, dogs, cattle, and birds might be poisoned by any member of the genus Kalanchoe.
What parts of the plant are the most dangerous?
All plant parts are poisonous to mammals. Toxin levels in blooms are often substantially greater than in the plant’s stems or leaves. During the summer, when the plants are actively blossoming, toxic effects are most frequently observed. Flowers provide an instant toxicity risk to animals who eat them.
Dogs and cats are toxic to kalanchoe
Kalanchoe is a lovely blooming houseplant, but it is toxic to cats and dogs, so take care around them if you have them. Kalanchoe toxicity is a higher concern for household dogs since these plants are so commonly found in home gardens. It has been observed that dogs are more susceptible to the toxicity of Kalanchoes than humans. In order to protect your plants from your dogs, you should always store them in a secure location.
When does toxicity show up, and how do you recognize it?
If your pet ingests even a small portion of the Kalanchoe plant, it might experience gastrointestinal distress (including diarrhea, stomach discomfort, and drooling) and agitation.
If your pet consumes a large number of Kalanchoes, it runs the danger of becoming really ill. In extreme circumstances, the animal may have cardiac symptoms such as irregular heartbeats (arrhythmias), intense fatigue, chills, difficulty breathing, loss of appetite, and tachycardia.
Pets can be killed by stopping their hearts. It has also been observed that dogs exhibit symptoms such as a lack of appetite, vomiting, dilated pupils, lethargy, tremors, seizures, and an unsteady walk.
In the case of a poisoning threat, how should you respond?
Poisoning from kalanchoe plants is potentially lethal if not treated quickly. If your pet accidentally eats some Kalanchoe, what should you do? Pets and other animals should be removed from parts with Kalanchoe plants if there is any suspicion that they have consumed any of the plants. You shouldn’t wait for discomfort to set in. Don’t hesitate to consult the Vet ASAP.
What to do if your animal exhibits signs of toxicity. If the vet hasn’t told you to, you shouldn’t make your pet throw up on your own. Hydrogen peroxide will just make your animal more miserable by increasing its drooling and mouth foaming while doing little to really assist it in throwing up. Rather than hoping for a miracle to happen, you could consider treating your pet yourself. Take your pet to the vet immediately if you see any signs of poisoning.
The vet may ask for some background information, such as the type of plant consumed, the amount ingested, and how long ago the ingestion occurred. The pet owner should be prepared to describe the animal’s symptoms to the vet. It’s important to let the vet know about any past health issues your pet has had.
The veterinarian will check the animal’s pulse, temperature, respiration rate, heart rate, overall health and vitality, appearance, weight, and reflexes, and will look in the animal’s eyes, ears, nose, and mouth to see if anything seems amiss. The vet may also order appropriate biochemical or laboratory testing to rule out interior injuries.
If you can’t take your pet to the vet, what should you do? If you can’t get your pet to the vet immediately, you should at least give them a call to get advice on whether or not to induce vomiting. You should take your pet to a vet if you want professional help healing it.